Particles of Light #pointilism

I am about to open an exhibition on the subject of “Particles of Light #pointilism” in the Sofia Gallery in the building of the Bulgarian Embassy in London, United Kingdom. The exhibition will have a charitable nature and a specific idea that I present to the viewers.

Allow me to briefly introduce the general idea of the exhibition, which I have named "Particles of Light #pointillism"

The theme of the exhibition came naturally, guided by my thoughts over the years as I created my artworks. In my creative journey, I have always been guided by light. Light is the natural companion of every artist or visual artist. Light is at the core of the visible world, shaping matter. Light is the artist who has painted the world in our eyes.

The nature of light, as we know from science, is composed of particles that behave like waves. These particles carry energy with them, and through the frequency of their waves, they carry information and tell their stories. Without the magic of light, the art of depiction would have a completely different manifestation. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy this magic.

In my thoughts, I made the following parallel between light particles carrying information and energy and the artist's paintings. Each painting, each image carries its own story and energy, just like each photon. Each painting has traversed its path, starting from the artist's thoughts, manifested on the canvas, and finally reaching the viewer's gaze, who perceives it. The painting carries its vibration, its idea, and its impact, creating and shaping something in our thoughts and emotions. Every person is like a photon carrying their story and impact. The question is to have the happiness to see it. Unique happiness is to encounter exactly that photon that will tell you its story, just as people meet and interact. The energy and history of these small particles do not disappear; they transform into another form of energy that is passed on until one day it fades away.

The parallel between the point and the light particles has guided me over the years as I practiced the technique of pointillism. My artworks are reflections of things I have seen or thought, transformed into thought and passed through my brush like lightning striking a blank canvas. Reality is built from points arranged in a certain order, creating one big picture called life.

Let everyone see what they can or want to see in my artworks. Anyone who wishes has the opportunity and ability to see more than what is realistically depicted.

The exhibition will include watercolour paintings, oil paintings, coloured pencil drawings and oil pastels. The subjects and subjects are very diverse, such as landscapes, figurative compositions and portraits. All paintings are in the style of pointillism, a technique of painting with dots. A modern version of the post-impressionist pointillism technique that has seen so much development over the years.

The exhibition is a charitable event, and 30% of the proceeds will go to support an art school for underprivileged children and youth in Dédal, Varna, Bulgaria. The school is a non-profit private organization, and all its teachers work voluntarily. The school is free of charge for the children, and all the funding to sustain the organization comes from donations and applications for public contests and programs. Over the years, hundreds of children have passed through the school, some of whom have already grown up and embarked on their own creative paths. I was a teacher at this school for almost ten years. My life is deeply intertwined with this charitable organization. I believe that art and knowledge are the path that will help shape the world and societies for the better.

The opening of the exhibition will take place on November 9, 2023 at 7 p.m. Sofia Gallery (In the building of the Bulgarian Embassy) 188 Queen’s Gate Kensington London SW7 5HL. Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 09:00 – 18:00 Saturday, Sunday, Bank Holidays & Public Holidays Closed


Exhibition "Particles of Light #Pointillism"


London Art Biennale 2023