Conversation with a seagull

With the following words, I will tell you the story that inspired me to paint a picture. This is a story about an experience that turned into a painting.

I have two friends, one of whom is an artist and the other a fisherman. Together, they decided to build a fishing shack on the shore of the sea, where one would draw inspiration and find peace, and the other would fish. One day, they gave me permission to spend a night at this place, isolated from civilization. Interestingly, the place is close to the city but separated from it, and can only be reached by boat. It is a small oasis near the urban jungle.

Conversation with a seagull

oil on canvas 70x90 cm. 2021

There, I was greeted by silence, blue sea, and tranquility. Late in the afternoon, while sitting on the shore and watching the contrast of the city in the distance and the peace of the small oasis, a seagull landed on a rock near me. This seagull stood there all afternoon as if looking for contact with me. It was probably seeking peace for its soul in this small corner. I named the seagull Pavel. I named it that because it stoically did not move from its spot, as if it were the soul of a person who wanted to be with others. I remembered the parable of how Saul became Paul. Christ turned to Saul the persecutor and said, "Saul, why do you persecute me?" Then Christ revealed to Saul that he was Paul, revealing to him who he truly was. And so I imagined that I had discovered that this seagull was actually a person who had discovered that he was human despite being a seagull...

I greeted the sunset, lost in my thoughts.

Who are we, actually? Perhaps we will find out if we talk to the silence.

The painting is in the style of pointillism, painted with oil paints on canvas. I started this painting in Bulgaria and finished it in the United Kingdom, London.

Immerse yourself in the world of pointillism with my ART. You can see my paintings in the gallery section of the website as well as in the e-shop.




A dream (on music by Claude Debussy)