Art - Manifestation of Spirit and Thought

For years, I have believed in something that is like the essence of art to me, unifying its meaning and uniqueness. Art, or creativity, is a manifestation of the spirit and thought of a person, and each of us is a creator with our own will.

Why the spirit of a person? The human spirit is unique to each individual. It is formed by one's personal life journey, built upon unique sensations of the world and oneself, carrying its own inner realms of feelings and emotions. Each person experiences unique spiritual encounters due to the uniqueness of their perspective. The perspective is unique because everyone sees from their own viewpoint and theirs alone. No one can see through the eyes of another person. The only way to touch upon that is through art, which is also a small fragment of that world.

Why the thought? Thought is the accumulated experience and knowledge throughout one's life journey. The development of thought is also a deeply personal experience that depends on the surrounding environment in which the individual finds themselves. Variations in art and the meaning embedded within it exist based on these accumulations and developments of thought. Regardless of the physical body, thought or brain activity develops in a unique way and variation. Uniqueness is just as specific as the development of the spirit. The steps one takes and the path on which a person grows are entirely unique and impossible to replicate.

Why the will? The will is developed based on the aforementioned elements and serves as the strength, tool, and driving force that leads to the physical expression, creation, and realization of art in any form. When the will is strong enough, the act of art or creativity occurs, carrying the values and layers accumulated within the spirit and thought of the individual. The more stable and strong the will, the more productive the author will be.

Understanding art and the desire to seek and comprehend its meaning is a complex process that depends on the accumulations and layers of emotional, cultural, and intellectual intelligence of the audience. Criteria for quality art are often shaped by the intelligence of the individual. High forms of art are often not immediately understood by society. Understanding comes after a sequential and timely accumulation and exploration of the specific art. In most cases, the creator is not concerned with the intelligence of the consumers of their art. If the author is sufficiently developed, they will provide spiritual nourishment and meaning to a broader range of people. Nevertheless, art is a form of communication and it would be good for it to be presented in an understandable language. Each person discovers what they seek and what they can find based on their own development.

Art or creativity is a manifestation of the spirit and thought, and each person is a creator with their own will.

Immerse yourself in the world of pointillism with my ART. You can see my paintings in the gallery section of the website as well as in the e-shop.


The Meaning of Art

